Lanzarote has several museums and art galleries: places where you can get to know the culture of the Island up close.

Within the cultural offer that Lanzarote presents, it is necessary to note the great concern on the part of all its inhabitants in the creation of an environment closely linked and multiplier of any artistic manifestation.

In this aspect, the influence and work capacity of the people of Lanzarote have been decisive in creating the necessary incentives for their cultural development. This is well reflected in its museums and art galleries, which exhibit internationally renowned authors, making the island of Lanzarote one of the most prominent points in the Canary archipelago.

It is necessary to distinguish within the interest that culture arouses in Lanzarote, that linked to its history, with a great historical-artistic heritage, with a great list of monuments, castles, convents, stately and religious houses, etc., and that derived from the exhibition of works of art in its various museums or art galleries.

El Museo del vino de Lanzarote se encuentra situado en la antigua bodega de El Grifo que data de 1775 y es la más antigua de Canarias.


La Casa Amarilla: así es como la gente de Lanzarote llama a este edificio ubicado en el centro de Arrecife y que era la sede del Cabildo de la isla (gobierno de la isla). Bien declarado de interés cultural en 2002, actualmente en la planta baja acoge exposiciones temporales sobre el conocimiento y la memoria etnográfica de Lanzarote.


Resumen Museo de la piratería